Limestone JFL
The Limestone JFL is a football organization based in Bartonville, Illinois. Established in 1969 with two teams, we have grown to 5 tackle football divisions, 3 flag football age groups and also cheerleading. Nicknamed the Rockets, approximately 185 tackle and 60 flag football players sign up yearly for the tackle and flag programs. Each year nine board members and approximately 50 coaches volunteer many hours to provide positive football experiences for the children of the community. Many of these coaches and board members went through the JFL program themselves and enjoy giving back to the program.
Limestone JFL has been a member of the Junior Football League of Central Illinois (JFLOCI) since 1969. Started in 1967 with five areas, the JFLOCI provides a recreational, educational and competitive program for its participants. From those five areas, the JFLOCI has grown to 26 areas in 23 communities throughout Central Illinois. Based in Peoria Heights, Illinois, the league provides playing opportunities yearly to more than 3500 tackle players, 1000 flag football players, 600 cheerleaders and 900 volunteer coaches.